Sunday, August 8, 2010


Matt and I spent almost every summer night together at AK's Coffee drinking coffee or at the Auburn Airport wathcing planes come in and sitting and getting to know each other. These were two special places for them. On Friday July 30 Matt and I went with Becca (Matt's sister) to move her things to Troy. We spent the whole day down in Troy and drove back to Auburn later that night. Matt and Becca had planned for all of us to go to dinner for Becca's last night in Auburn so Matt dropped me off to get ready and then picked her back up around 9. Matt told me they were goingg out to Tiger Town to meet Becca and her boyfriend Trevor. After missing 2 turns, I was getting irritated with Matt and so he had to change his plans and turn before he wanted to. It was perfect because his destination was the airport and a plane was coming in to land. Matt quickly said he wanted to go watch the plane land before we went to dinner. I agreed and once we arrived at the airport, Matt and I got out of the car and sat on the picnic bench we used to always sit at when we would come out to the airport to talk. Matt began talking about our relationship and how 2 years ago from that day he had made a phone call that changed his life for the better. He talked about how he knew I was the one God had picked out for him from the day we met. He pulled a Bible out and opened it to 1 Corinthians 13 and began reading the " Love Chapter." He related that to our relationship and then closed the Bible. On the front it had engraved the name Brittany F. Lindsey. Matt got on his knee and asked me to marry him....and of course I SAID YES!

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Grateful Heart

My mom just recently got back from the Ukraine. She and a group went over there on a mission trip. Sunday we got to look through all the pictures and hear all the stories. I could not hold back the tears when I heard about a 12 year old girl latching onto my mom begging her not to leave. It made me realize how thankful I am for my parents and their love. Her parents could care less if she was alive. They care more about drugs and alcohol than their own flesh and blood. I wish it didn't take me so long to realize my parents DID care and love me. Another teary moment was the look on the kids faces when the group delivered crayons. You would have thought you gave them a million dollars. It is so sad how we take things for granted. We tend to want the biggest and best thing, but do we really need it? I know I struggle with having a grateful attitude. What does it matter where your clothes come from, etc....Our focus needs to be on something greater than that, something everlasting. Just some thoughts!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I am pretty excited about news I received earlier this week. Three weeks ago I received a call from my Relay for Life sponsor about a job in Montgomery with the American Cancer Society. I submitted my resume that day to find out 30 minutes before, they had filled the job. On Monday I found out my sponsor had been in contact with the Executive Director in Montgomery and they wanted to give me the job! I am so excited God has opened this door with me. Even though it is part time and my position will no longer be needed after November, it works out perfectly! I will not have to quit to move back to Birmingham and possibly cut ties with ACS. I can now most likely, be able to transfer to a permanent position! God surely provides! So I will be traveling to Montgomery for half the week. This also means I am only 20 minutes away from Troy so I get to see Matt more often! :) 

Excited to see what the future holds!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Letters to Juliet

Just came back from seeing Letters to Juliet. Even though it was a very predictable movie, it was wonderful. In life you should have no regrets and never have to say "what if?" I have found my soulmate 100% without a doubt. I love him and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him! It is the other aspects of life that bring to question the "what ifs." If I don't apply to med school, I will always wonder. What if I fulfilled my dream of a new hospital? I cannot have regrets, I will not. It is just a matter of how to go about tackling my dreams. Pray, pray, Pray and Wait, Wait, Wait. That is my simple solution although not so simple (easier said than done). We shall see!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Step of Faith

Went to Cewachala yesterday to enjoy God's creation. Oh the wonderful lessons you are taught without realizing. As I was climbing the rocks around the waterfall....I first realized I was a chicken! It took me a minute for me to take the next step onto a rock and many times I had to watch someone else cross the rock before I would take a step. Unfortunately, this has been my course of action lately with everything, Faith is believing without seeing, and along with faith comes ultimate trust. I am kind of a control freak and this is probably my "achilles heel."

Goal for the week: Take a step of faith, not questioning the path taken!